Mission & Giving
Here at Trinity United Church of Christ we believe that we must live our faith to truly make it our own. We contribute and participate in the following ministries:
- South Central Community Action Program – Every February we have a food pantry drive that collects canned and dry goods as well as financial support. We collect shoes and deliver them to SCAAP; they sell the shoes which are refurbished and sent overseas. We provide financial and other support for the SCAAP homeless shelter.
- Gettysburg C.A.R.E.S. – Through this coalition of churches in the community, we provide vouchers for food, gas, and hotel overnight accommodations. For two weeks in the winter, we also host the overflow of homeless in the community who cannot find shelter elsewhere.
- Gettysburg Community Soup Kitchen – Currently we provide financial support only.
- Ruth’s Harvest – We provide financial support, food, and volunteers to fill backpacks in Gettysburg Area School District, which feed 250 children for the weekend.
- Tender Care Pregnancy Center – Diapers and wipes
- Adams County Office for Aging – Incontinent supplies
Special Ongoing Missions
- Adams County Habitat for Humanity
- Adams Rescue Mission
- Cancelled stamps – for the Brethren Home in New Oxford
- Gettysburg C.A.R.E.S.
- Gettysburg Ministerium Voucher Program
- Helping Hand Fund – offers financial assistance to members facing financial hardships
- Hoffman Homes for Youth
- One Great Hour of Sharing (UCC)
- Our Church’s Wider Mission (UCC)
- Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP)
- Soda can tabs – for the Ronald McDonald House of Hershey Medical Center
- Special Emergencies
- Summer Outreach – donations of fresh produce for purchase, proceeds go to local charities
YouTube Videos
What if you had only 5 minutes to pack on YouTube.com
An Afghan Chef in Virginia on YouTube.com
Afghan refugees resettle in US with help from American former colleague who helped them escape AP Nov. 26, 2021 on YouTube.com
Afghan refugees Face uncertainty after evacuation on YouTube.com
Afghan Refugees arrive in Philadelphia on YouTube.com
Evacuation is just the first step on YouTube.com
Afghan Families Greeted at Dulles on YouTube.com
Operation Pineapple (veterans helping to evacuate Afghans who aided them) on YouTube.com
Denominational Support
- Our Church’s Wider Mission
- One Great Hour of Sharing
- The Christmas Fund
myEoffering (electronic giving) refers to a process whereas church contributors opt to have their financial contribution withdrawn from a checking or savings account or process their contribution through a credit card transaction.
meEoffering provides a secure web based platform in which contributors may privately and prayerfully make a one-time donation or set up their entire years contribution.
To contribute to Trinity United Church of Christ electronically, click here: https://members.myeoffering.com/#/landing