To assist you as you worship, we are happy to provide the following accommodations:
- Large print bulletins.
- Audio devices for hearing impaired.
- Sign language is available for children during Sunday School and the Children’s Message at the 10:30 a.m. service.
- Elevator and Chair lifts units are available to transport persons (in wheelchairs or those who are unable to use stairs) to different levels of the church.
- Those with physical limitations who wish to attend functions in Fellowship Hall and don’t want to use the chair lift may enter it from an inclined walkway located on the west side of the building.
We have a wonderful group of greeters who will be located at the High Street entrance to welcome you prior to the start of our Worship Services. They are available to assist you in getting in the doors, or simply providing you with directions to available parking.
If you have any questions regarding accommodations please call our Church Office at (717) 334-7266. We will do our best to address any concerns and/or assist in accommodating your needs.